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Fastest Finger First Indicator - Electronic DIY Kit for kids
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Product Description
The Fastest Finger First Indicator circuit determines as to which of the four contestants pressed the button first and locks out the entries from the remaining three contestants. Simultaneously, an audio alarm and the correct decimal number display of the corresponding contestant are activated.
When a contestant presses his switch, the corresponding output of the latch IC 7475(IC2) changes its logic state from 1 to 0. The combinational circuitry comprising dual 4-input NAND gates of 7420 (IC3) locks out subsequent entries by producing the appropriate latch-disable signal. Priority encoder IC 74147(IC4) encodes the active-low input condition into the corresponding binary coded decimal (BCD) number output. The outputs of IC4 after inversion by inverter gates inside hex inverter 74LS04 (IC5) are coupled to BCD-to-7-segment decoder/display driver 7447(IC6). The output of IC6 drives common common-anode 7-segment LED display (DIS.1, FND507 or LT543).
The audio alarm generator comprises of the frequency oscillator NE555 (IC7), whose output drives a loudspeaker. The oscillator frequency can be varied with the help of preset VR1. Logic 0 state at one of the outputs of IC2 produces logic 1 input condition at pin 4 of IC7, thereby enabling the audio oscillator.
IC7 needs +12V DC supply for sufficient alarm level. The remaining circuit operates on regulated +5V DC supply, which is obtained using IC1 (7805). Once the organizer identifies the contestant who pressed the switch first, he disables the audio alarm and at the same time forces the digital display to ‘0’ by pressing reset push button S5.
Things Which you will Learn :
*Basics and implementation of Priority Encoder IC 7475.
*Concept and implementation of Latch
*Basics and implementation of hex inverter gates with IC 74LS04
*Concept of Binary Coded Decimal and BCD to 7 segment display IC 7447
*Concept and implementation of Frequency oscillator with NE555 IC
Build a Fastest Finger First Indicator with this simple kit interactive and use it is in quiz and game shows for indicating which player reacted or answered the fastest. The number assigned to the player is displayed by the circuit along with an alarm sound while the fastest finger buttons of the other contestant are locked.